Finding The Time To Exercise: Tips for Busy Working Parents

When you become a parent, priorities change, and you end up focusing on your kids a whole lot more. It’s quite common for some parents to go out of shape, simply because they pay way more attention to their kids. However, finding time to exercise is still very important, and that’s exactly why you need to make that a priority. With that in mind, here are some tips to finding the time to exercise for busy working parents that you can start using today.


Start following YouTube fitness videos

There are many workout videos on YouTube that you can start following, and these are only a few minutes long. When can you do that? Ideally, you want to wake up 10-20 minutes earlier and follow these guidelines and instructions. You could also do YouTube yoga with your kids after you pick them up from school. There are also many fitness-focused mobile apps, which have short workouts to help you get started.


Invest in high quality fitness equipments

It’s a great idea to buy quality fitness equipment from companies like Precor Elliptical, since it can make it much easier to work out on the fly. But how can you start finding time to exercise once you have this equipment? A good idea is to make workouts a group activity with your kids. Encourage them to exercise too, and maybe purchase some fitness equipment for kids. Gamifying the experience and offering points to your kids when they complete a fitness task is a great idea.


Dance with your kids

One of the best tips to exercise for parents is to dance with their children. There are video games like Just Dance, which are extremely helpful if you want to burn calories. Plus, you can also bring in some tunes from Spotify and start dancing with your kids. It’s exciting and it definitely keeps those extra pounds away too.


Work out at your workplace

This can be tricky depending on the workplace, but you can do some sit-ups, planking and other different exercises during your lunch break. It might take a bit of trial and error to narrow down what works for you, but in the end, results can be very impressive.


Find a trainer who delivers home training services

You can hire a personal trainer and maybe work with them only during the weekends. Find an activity for your kids, such as coloring or maybe watching some cartoons, and you can squeeze in some workout time that way too. Keep in mind, you can also just focus on online training instead of having a trainer come in person to assist. Alternatively, you can also “stay fit” by joining Facebook groups with parents interested in fitness as well.



As you can see, finding the time to exercise when you are a busy working parent is not as difficult as it seems. It all comes down to managing your schedule, while also making sure you include your children in these workout activities. This way they are fun for the entire family and you also get to exercise without neglecting your family and their needs!