The Reason Why Your Kids Want To Talk More At Bedtime

Kids open up before bedtime

Kids’ bedtime is that time when the parent and the child feel more close and comfortable. This is one of the most beautiful moments when you make your child feel more close and comfortable with you. You cuddle your child, show love to him or her and this makes your child more confident and poised. This is why your children open up and start sharing their thoughts and how they spent their day with you. This is a little difficult too as children tend to take a lot of time and do not sleep, making all your other tasks remain incomplete. But in the end, your child builds self-confidence in him or herself because he knows that there is someone to listen to them.

Why Your Kids Want To Talk More At Bedtime 

Child Sleep Behavior and Consultant Mylee Zschech, believes children tend to open up more when its bedtime. They would share everything happened with them throughout the day. This is the perfect time for mums to talk to their toddlers, and listen to what their thoughts are. Kids’ bedtime is the perfect time for all moms to train them. Toddlers are shy in front of others. They only open up when they see that there is no outsider around them except their mother. They feel more comfortable to talk and open up when all other eyes at not looking at them. Bedtime is the perfect time for that.

Kids Talking More At Bedtime Isn’t A Bad Thing

Parent experts recommend parents to spend a good long time with their toddlers at bedtime. Make them feel close to you. Cuddle them and ask them how their day was and what did they do. They will eventually start opening up. Below are some tips for you to make your child open up:

  • Ask them how their day was.
  • Cuddle your child and show all the love you can.
  • Ask them what they will be looking forward to tomorrow.
  • Say ‘I love you’ to your child with a kiss and a hug.
  • When they start opening up, don’t react intensely. Let them finish talking.
  • Don’t jump into advice and solutions quickly.
  • Always make sure there are no distractions around.

Always Be A Good Listener

Some toddlers deliberately give a hard time at bedtime. They may ask for some very unique things which would just waste time and all you need to do is just nod your head. You know they are doing it purposely but at times they share something incredible that happened on they day or what they did throughout their day. You might not pay attention to it at times. That is why parents need to be good listeners. They should always listen to what their child is saying and should never bash them or interrupt in the middle. They shouldn’t heckle their child as this makes then discouraged and confused.

Written by Mia M.