7 Best Parenting Tips for the Australian Parents

The ways of parenting vary from culture to culture. Till yet, no perfect parenting method has been discovered. That is because parents are just humans who try their best to raise children. However, there are some techniques of parenting which other cultures can adopt. For example, teaching children wisdom and optimism. Below are similar effective parenting strategies from other countries which Australians should implement.

1. Switch negative situations into a positive one (Denmark)

This is a brilliant way to teach children about optimism. Danish parents have a habit of eliminating the bad or negative factors from emotions or certain circumstances. Afterwards, they look at things with a positive mindset. While it is common for parents to point out the shortcomings in their children, Danish parents bring to light the positive habits and good traits which their children possess and advise on how to improve on them.

2. A flexible bedtime (Argentina)

While in Australia, parents urge their children to sleep before it is late, it is not the same in Argentina. Argentinian parents do not have a strict bedtime schedule and they let the children be a part of fun and healthy activities. This is partly because in Argentina, dinner is eaten later compared to other countries which gives a chance to children for evening activities of family.

3. Responsibility of older siblings (Polynesian Islands)

In Polynesia, the older siblings share the responsibility of raising the younger siblings with the help of the parents. This is a helpful step for parents as they do not have to do everything on their own. The Polynesian culture teaches

pre-school children to help out as well.

4. Enjoying and loving food (France)

In order to appreciate and enjoy food, the French parents teach their children to not think of mealtime as a task but something they like to do. Moreover, French parents do not force the children to avoid or consume certain foods. This relaxed attitude helps the child to form healthy food habits.

5. Going on public transportation alone (Japan)

Japan is one of the countries which puts extra trust in the children so that they can mature better with a good self-confidence. An example is how the Japanese parents let their children go on trains alone. The children are allowed to go for long periods of time and it even serves as a transportation to go to school. It is a hobby of the children to even run errands with their friends without an elder.

Meanwhile they track the location of the children through technology. This level of trust is not seen in other countries especially Australia.

6. Early potty training (Vietnam)

Some countries like Vietnam and China are in favor of giving potty training as early as 9 months old. Vietnamese parents use a technique of whistling sound which acts as an indication to the children to relieve themselves. The children become conditioned to the whistling sound and every time they hear it, they get reminded about the task. On the other hand, Australian parents do not potty train their children until they are 3 years old.

7. Parenting with grandparents (China)

The Chinese parents reinforce the relationship between their children and grandparents. It plays a healthy role in upbringing and the children learn a lot from elders which the parents cannot teach. In modern societies, parents hire a babysitter to take care of the children but in many countries including China, grandparents look after their grandchildren.

Since the parenting tips from other countries have been covered, let’s take a look at some basics of parenting.

Self-esteem is really important

As a parent, it is crucial to boost the self-esteem of your children. Young children pick up on the body language, tone of voice and expressions of the parents.

Whatever the actions and words you deliver to the children will become a reflection of their self-esteem. In fact, the development of the self-confidence of the children depends on the behavior of the parents. If you act positive in front of the children, they will think positively of themselves and vice versa. Parents should form a habit of praising their children frequently and point out good aspects of their personality. It is wrong to compare your children to other kids

because they feel insufficient and worthless this way and in turn it harms their self-confidence. Appreciate them at small accomplishments and be proud of them so that they never feel insecure. Have a wise selection of words and be extra cautious with handling children. Do not use words as weapons and never insult or belittle them. Be kind and compassionate so that their language is also endowed with kindness.

Spend quality time with your children

In today’s day and age, families do not spend much time with each other. The parents and children only sit with each other for a family meal. Quality time is hardly spent. This is why most children tend to misbehave in order to gain attention from their parents. Therefore, it is the responsibility of parents to make time and occasions in order to be closer to the children.

Taking a walk after dinner is a healthy activity to spend time. Some parents even make a schedule just for the purpose of quality time. The idea of “special night” is also rewarding for the children as they get to have parents all to themselves. Parents should allow their children to decide how to spend the special night.

There are many ways to create a strong bond with children. While preparing lunch boxes for the children, some parents add a loving written note inside to make the children feel good. However, when a child starts to grow up and enters the adolescent stage, it is not possible to spend the same kind of quality time neither the adolescents want the same attention as well. So the chances of getting together with adolescents and teenagers are less as compared to younger children.

It is necessary to give privacy and freedom to the growing children so parents should leave the children alone for as long as they want. However, it is important to show eagerness to the children when they come forward on their own to talk or spend some time. An idea to spend time with teenagers is to go to games, concerts and other events related to their age. This helps in learning more about the children and to communicate with them better.

These useful parenting tips will assist all parents in being a role model, so follow them instantly.